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SABnzbd 1.2.0 changelog

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SABnzbd 1.2.0 brings the following changes:

- New SSL engine:
* SSL connections will always negotiate strongest encryption available
* Strict verification of certificates (optional)
* Set custom SSL-Ciphers to increase performance (lowers encryption strength)
* Detail information in Status window on type of encryption used
* Webserver can use stronger encryption for HTTPS connections
- New RAR-file processing with full support for RAR5:
* All passwords are now tried on the first complete RAR-file during download
* RAR-based verification when no par2-files or SFV-files are available
- Improvements to Categories processing:
* Matching of start of category inside NZB with user-categories
For example 'Movies > HD' will match a 'movies' category
* Categories can now be ordered to customize matching to categories in NZB's
- Improvements to RSS:
* Added 'From Show SxxEyy' filter
* RSS feeds now show the category, age and when the NZB was added to the queue
* RSS feeds will only re-evaluate after clicking 'Apply Filters' or 'Read Feed'
- Detection of par2-files in completely obfuscated NZB's
- Verification (par2) and UnRAR can now be aborted from Glitter
- Faster startup and restart of SABnzbd
- Duplicates can now be marked as Failed (to notify external tools)

- Python post/pre/notification-scripts now require execute (+x) permissions
- Dropped dependency on PyOpenSSL, now only requires cryptography package
- Update 7zip to 16.04 and UnRar to 5.40 for Windows/macOS
- Update Python to 2.7.13 on Windows and macOS binaries
- One binary for OSX Lion to macOS Sierra

Bug fixes
- Re-use IP-address for new connections when a server has open connections
- Auto-disables CPU-usage optimizations if they result in slowdown
- no_penalties now applies to all types of penalties
- par2cmdline would fail jobs in folders ending on ".par2"
- MemoryError (no more memory available) now pauses downloading
- Removing files from active download was not working correctly
- Accept & fail for pre-queue script was not working correctly
- Recursive unpack failed on Windows with very long paths

- Many translations updated, thanks to our translators!

Known issues
- The 'Check before download' can causes downloads to stall for some users
- Having Completed Downloads on an network-drive can take very long to rename for some users