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Best usenet search

GrabIt - GrabIt Usenet Search and Browser

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GrabIt Usenet Search

GrabIt Search is a built-in usenet search engine. Just like the other search engines of, for example, Newsleecher, GrabIt Search makes it possible to search through many Usenet newsgroups simultaneously without updating the groups manually. GrabIt Usenet Search isn't free. You have to buy a subscription to use it. You can try the search engine about 3 times per day for free, though.

The search engine is located under the GrabIt Usenet Search tab. Just enter any search string you want and click Search. It is important that you choose a search string that you know for certain is in the post header, otherwise the post you are looking for won’t be found. In this example we are going to download 'FTD Watchdog', so we fill in the search field and click the 'Search' button. Then a lot of groups will be searched and the results will be shown. We don't even have to download the headers of groups!


Downloading these search results is easy. Just select all the items you want to download and click the Grab button. Again we have to choose between our default server and our payserver. This is because unfortunately GrabIt can't use both servers, in contrary to for example the free newsreader SABnzbd. After you have chosen one of these options, GrabIt will start downloading.

To buy a subscription for this service from GrabIt, click on the button 'Account Information' and follow the instructions.

GrabIt Usenet Browser

GrabIt has another feature, the Usenet Browser. GrabIt Usenet Browser isn't free. You have to buy a subscription to use it. With this feature you can quickly see all headers of a certain group that are a couple of days old. Click on the 'Refresh group list' button first if there are no groups listed in the first dropdown box.


The example above will result in GrabIt quickly displaying all headers of 'alt.binaries.boneless' that are 5 days old or less. After this, downloading files can be done in the same way that we did before.

To the next chapter: Traditional download method